
Multiple Regression for UAV Aerodynamic Model based on Experimental Data

Authors: Koryanov V.V. , Nguyen K.T., Nguyen V.T. Published: 19.10.2016
Published in issue: #5(110)/2016  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2016-5-59-67

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control  
Keywords: multiple regression, statistical synthesis, aerodynamic model, structural and parametric selection criterion, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), correlation

Grounding the completeness of experimental aerodynamic model can be done with statistical criteria (determination criterion or Durbin - Watson criterion). This article offers a schematic analysis of the aerodynamic model by statistical synthesis of structural and parametric design solutions based on multiple regression. It provides current development of the method of structural-parametric (two-level) selection of design solutions for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) based on a statistical synthesis. The experimental model reconstructed from the "aerodynamic channel" is evaluated in terms of its completeness using the statistical criteria. The method of statistical synthesis of structural and parametric design decisions is based on models and methods of the theory of selforganizing complex systems. This paper applies this method to select a new circuit design analysis of the aerodynamic model of UAV. We show the results of the analysis of the aerodynamic model of UAV by channels Cx and Cz. We estimated the multicollinearity of the multiple regression model using the determinant of the matrix of pairwise correlation coefficients between the factors.


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