
Mathematical Modelling of Space Vehicle Thermal Test Using Cryogenic Screens

Authors: Kolchanov I.P., Delkov A.V., Lavrov N.A., Kishkin A.A., Khodenkov A.A. Published: 09.02.2015
Published in issue: #1(100)/2015  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2015-1-56-64

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Control and Testing of Aircrafts and their Systems  
Keywords: thermal tests, mathematical modeling, effectiveness of design solutions, cryogenic screens

The method is presented to test a space vehicle in a vacuum chamber which is capable of maintaining the underpressure conditions within a wide temperature range relevant to the outer space. Cooling the object in the chamber is provided by means of cryogenic screens refrigerated by liquid nitrogen, helium or neon supplied into the system from a liquefier. Heat fluxes from the environment and from the object are taken into consideration, as well as heat losses in the manifolds. The object temperature is to be reduced in the system down to the value foreseen by the test program. Physical and mathematical models of thermal and vacuum testing are described considering cryogenic screen heat transfer and the tested object cooling in a vacuum chamber. Performed calculation allows to determine a temperature change in time, reachable temperature of the object, time to reach a stationary mode, if the parameters of the chamber, cryogenic screens, and the object to be cooled are given.


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