
Evaluating the Potential of Lithium Hydride in Active Thermal Protection Systems for High-Velocity Aircraft

Authors: Tovstonog V.A. Published: 22.04.2019
Published in issue: #2(125)/2019  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2019-2-47-59

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircrafts  
Keywords: high-velocity aircraft, active thermal protection, phase-change materials, lithium hydride, linear pyrolysis

Performance of high-velocity aircraft is largely governed by the efficiency of the thermal protection systems used. One of the most complex cases is thermal protection for structural elements in a high-velocity air flow. The elements must ensure high geometrical stability of the surface inside the flow when the profile blunting radii are small. For this case, we analysed the potential of an active lithium hydride-based thermal protection system exploiting the high thermal effects of its phase transitions. We show that the system under consideration may feature characteristics acceptable in practice regarding thermal protection of blunted aerofoils made out of modern heat-resistant materials


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