
Numerical Integration Method for Three-Dimensional Equations of Laminar-to-Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Spherically Blunted Circular Cone Featuring a Low Aspect Ratio

Authors: Gorskiy V.V. Published: 12.09.2022
Published in issue: #3(142)/2022  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2022-3-4-17

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircrafts  
Keywords: numerical method, boundary layer, laminar-to-turbulent flow, heat transfer


At present, the Navier --- Stokes equations are the most popular tool used to study three-dimensional heat transfer and friction. This approach significantly improves the investigation quality in the case of geometrically complex bodies, which confirms the validity of using this involved computational procedure in practice. In the case of simple geometries widely used in engineering to design refractory structural elements of high-energy devices, however, the Navier --- Stokes equations are inferior to the equations of the laminar-to-turbulent boundary layer in a number of aspects. There are no published accounts regarding experimental data on heat transfer in the blunted regions of refractory structural elements shaped as blunted cones at extremely high Reynolds numbers. Employing the boundary layer equations made solving this problem possible. Using the Navier --- Stokes equations to solve problems in which the body surface changes over time results in considerable issues. At the same time, not enough attention is paid to methodology for rigorously solving the three-dimensional equations of the laminar-to-turbulent boundary layer; in this regard, developing a modern method for solving the problem under consideration is of certain interest

Please cite this article in English as:

Gorskiy V.V. Numerical integration method for three-dimensional equations of laminar-to-turbulent boundary layer on a spherically blunted circular cone featuring a low aspect ratio. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2022, no. 3 (142), pp. 4--17 (in Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.18698/0236-3941-2022-3-4-17


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