
Nonstationary Intra-Chamber Processes in Solid-Propellant Controlled Propulsion System

Authors: Aliev A.V., Mishchenkova O.V., Cherepov I.V. Published: 11.08.2016
Published in issue: #4(109)/2016  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2016-4-24-39

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts  
Keywords: propulsion system, regulation, thermodynamic processes, disturbances resonant oscillations, Fourier analysis, wavelet analysis

We consider the method for analysis of dynamic processes in the combustion chamber of a solid-propellant propulsion system. The method is based on constructing a mathematical model of intra-chamber processes. The following processes are formalized in this mathematical model: thermodynamic processes occurring in the body of the igniter device and in the chamber of the propulsion system, the heat exchange processes between the combustion products and the surface of the solid-propellant, the surface of the solid-propellant controlled propulsion system, the ignition process of the solid propellant and its subsequent nonstationary combustion. The mathematical model includes control equations recorded in view of backlash in the steering shaft rotation mechanism of the machine. We examine the stability of processes in a solid-propellant controlled propulsion system by the influence of random and periodic disturbances. Calculations of intra-chamber processes in a small controlled system are processed using Fourier and wavelet analysis, which makes it possible to establish the presence of resonance oscillations of different frequencies in the combustion chamber. These oscillations appear in certain work phases of solid-propellant controlled propulsion systems. When nonstationarity of fuel burning rate is taken into account, it increases the dynamic effects of intra-chamber processes.


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