
Investigating Interaction Intensity between Condensed Phase Particles and Flow Duct Components of a Small-Scale Ramjet

Authors: Voronetskiy A.V., Smolyaga V.I., Aref'ev K.Yu., Filimonov L.A., Abramov M.A. Published: 02.08.2018
Published in issue: #4(121)/2018  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2018-4-16-36

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts  
Keywords: mathematical simulation, two-phase flow, condensed particles, erosion, ramjet

The study deals with mathematical simulation of a two-phase flow in secondary combustion chambers of small-scale ramjets. We present a mathematical model for numerically computing motion trajectories of condensed phase particles in the flow duct of a small-scale ramjet and determining the intensity with which particles characterised by different dispersities affect the secondary combustion chamber walls. We provide the results of our parametric computational investigation of how the particles impact the flow duct walls in the secondary combustion chamber (that is, erosion of said walls) depending on the mode of injecting gaseous products of high-energy condensed compositions into the airflow and on the injection system outlet layout. We formulated recommendations for minimising the effect that condensed phase particles have on the flow duct components of a small-scale ramjet


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