
Using the Inductive Linear Transducer for Investigation of Reducer Efficiency

Authors: Barbashov N.N., Baryshnikova O.O. Published: 29.05.2014
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014  


Category: Design  
Keywords: reducer, efficiency, inductive transducer, experiment planning, mathematical model, factorial experiment, gauging, analysis of experiment results

The possibility is considered for modernizing the laboratory work devoted to investigation of the reducer efficiency in the Theory of Mechanisms and Mechanics of Machines course. The modernization touches upon the processes of experiment planning and its direct carrying out, the analysis of results with subsequent selection of work regimes providing the maximum efficiency value. The use of the contemporary inductive linear-displacement transducer substantially extends the possibilities of the process of investigating the reducer efficiency. The experiment modernization makes it possible to perform considerably more measurements for the fixed time of conducting the experiment itself, to extent the scope of investigation, to improve the accuracy, to perform the multi-factor analysis, and to determine a range of variation of parameters under study for the most effective use of the reducers.


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