
Dynamics of Vibratory Drilling with Electromagnetic Vibration Exciter

Authors: Gus’kov A.M., Zakharov V.V. Published: 17.01.2014
Published in issue: #1(70)/2008  


Category: Dynamics, Strength, Reliability  

Dynamics of a device with electromagnetic vibration exciter for vibratory drilling is discussed. The nonlinear mathematical model is developed that consists of three groups of equations: nonlinear differential equations of electromechanical oscillations; two-parametrical law of cutting; nonlinear algebraic equations of forming of new surfaces in the gutting process, including retardation. For the case of absence of cutting the approximated analytical solution is obtained by a method of multiscale disintegration. Dynamics of the device in the cutting process is considered. Areas of the regular intermittent cutting are found.