
Automated System of Monitoring of Oil Pipelines in Seismic-Hazardous Regions

Authors: Aleksandrov A.A., Larionov V.I. , Gumerov R.A. Published: 02.10.2014
Published in issue: #5(98)/2014  


Category: Ecology  
Keywords: main pipeline, seismic load, local network of seismic stations, urgent report service, stress-and-strain state, geographic information system

The paper presents the monitoring technology of the stress-strain state of the linear part of the pipelines in high seismic areas. The monitoring system includes: a network of local seismic stations that collects data and records signals; software module for obtaining information from the urgent report service of the Russian Academy of Sciences; software module for processing the seismic signal, and software module that assesses the stress-strain state of the pipe exposed to seismic wave. Also, in the paper we propone the conditions for usage of the information which was obtained from two independent sources and a method is described of estimating the strength of the pipe material. The measures required to monitor the state of the pipeline and an algorithm of efficient functioning of monitoring system of main oil pipelines laid in earthquake zones are formulated.


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