
Calculation analysis of internal tension devepment in the joints of the welded thermally stable steels of 15KH2NMFA type

Authors: Drizhov V.S. Published: 02.09.2015
Published in issue: #4(103)/2015  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2015-4-130-141

Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Dynamics and Strength of Machines, Instruments, and Equipment  
Keywords: heat-resistant steel, welded joint, reheat cracking, stress, welded assembly rigidity

The widespread use of high-performance heat-resistant steels is substantially hindered by the lack of sufficient information about their liability to brittle fracture during both welding and reheating. The required technological and operational strengths can be achieved by analyzing multiple processes occurring during welding. Thermomechanical excitation of the welded metal is considerably different in different regions of the weldedjoint. This fact causes formation and development of the internal welding stress within the metal. The paper presents the research results of the internal stress in the welded joint. It shows a considerable influence of the welded assembly rigidity on the internal stress development. It is found out that there is a critical level of the welded plates rigidity at which the residual stress reverses its pattern in the weld-affected region. It transforms from the compressive pattern into the tensile one.


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