
The Method of Forming Innovative Project Portfolio in a Project-Oriented Organization

Authors: Omelchenko I.N., Lyakhovich D.G., Dobryakova K.V. Published: 18.02.2019
Published in issue: #1(124)/2019  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2019-1-84-89

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Product Quality Management. Standardization. Organization of Production  
Keywords: project-oriented organization, development strategy, innovative project, portfolio, management process, formation, method

The method of forming innovative project portfolio is developed by the authors, and it allows to choose the main directions and substantiate the composition of innovative projects when changing project-oriented organization's development trends. The authors made analysis of Russian and foreign scientists and specialist's publications in the field of innovation, innovative development management and project management. The authors consider that the practical significance of the article lies in the possibility using the project-oriented organization in the market's environment conditions of the above method, and this method will improve the efficiency of using its existing resources


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