
Effect of Abrasive Grain Geometry on Cutting Forces in Grinding

Authors: Voronov S.A., Weidong Ma Published: 14.09.2017
Published in issue: #5(116)/2017  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2017-5-52-63

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical Processing  
Keywords: abrasive grain, finite element method, stress-strain state, temperature, grinding, cutting forces, micro-cutting

The article supplies the results of modelling the micro-cutting process for a single pyramid-shaped abrasive grain in preset modes featuring various cutting thicknesses and grain axis inclination angles (the rake angle of the cutting wedge). We investigate the processes of elastoplastic deformation, chip formation, cratering, built-up edge formation and burr formation when the tool cuts into materials; we also determine the ratio of cutting area to cutting force. To compute the stress-strain state parameters, we used the Johnson Cook material model that takes into account temperature along with strain rate and level. We solve the stress-strain state problem as stated together with the problem of temperature in the workpiece material. We determine cutting force coefficients and study the effect of rake angles in the grains on the cutting force coefficients


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