
Modernization of the System for Measuring Cutting Forces on the Basis of UDM Dynamometer Series

Authors: Samoylov V.B. Published: 17.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(128)/2019  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2019-5-91-103

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical Processing  
Keywords: modernization, dynamometer, cutting force, virtual instrument

The purpose of the research was to analyze the existing systems for measuring forces during machining of parts on metal-cutting machine tools, and to consider the options for using both specialized ready-made solutions and dynamometer heads of the UDM series as measuring transducers. The study shows the drawbacks of the well-known general-circuit solutions for the modernization of these dynamometers, associated with the need to use heterogeneous sets of amplifying and transforming equipment. We propose low-budget solutions to improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements, to control and record measurement results in a modern software environment using virtual instruments. As a result of the study, we implemented hardware and software methods for processing measurement information, accompanying experimental studies in real time. The universal scalable systems developed for measuring moments and cutting forces are used both during academic research work and educational process of the university

The work is carried out under the program "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia", event: 1.2.1. Scientific studies are done by research teams under the guidance of doctors of science; the research area is "Creation and processing of composite ceramic materials", the project is "Improving the efficiency of mechanical and abrasive machining of parts made of composite ceramic materials"


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