
Key Research Insights into Dependence Between Turbine Flow Transducer Conversion Coefficients and Reynolds Number

Authors: Aralov O.V., Buyanov I.V. Published: 25.06.2021
Published in issue: #2(137)/2021  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2021-2-28-42

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machines, Units and Technological Processes  
Keywords: turbine flow transducer, viscosity, pressure, density, temperature, Reynolds number, flow conversion coefficient

The paper focuses on the key findings of the first experimental studies on assessing the dependence of the relative deviation of the conversion coefficients of the turbine flow transducer KTFT on the physicochemical properties of oil and oil products, as well as test conditions. The studies were carried out on a specialized calibration stand and on three systems for measuring the quantity and quality indicators of oil / oil products, operated in the main pipeline transport under various climatic conditions. Relying on the obtained experimental data, we assessed the influence of test conditions on KTFT and established correlation dependences between the kinematic viscosity, density, temperature and excess pressure. The study shows that the kinematic viscosity and density of the working medium, i.e., oil / oil products, as well as the Reynolds number Re, have the greatest influence on KTFT. Furthermore, with a change in the volumetric flow rate and kinematic viscosity at one object, it is possible to predict the change in KTFT in the entire range of the volumetric flow rate, relying on Re values. Findings of research show that the tested turbine flow transducer DN 250-1.6 can be operated when Re > 7600


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