
Development of Methodological Principles Improving Quality of Research Organization in Scientific and Production Enterprises

Authors: Boldyrev V.S. Published: 01.04.2022
Published in issue: #1(140)/2022  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2022-1-55-70

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Product Quality Management. Standardization. Organization of Production  
Keywords: management, scientific research, simulation, life cycle, intelligent document workflow, production organization


Comprehensive analysis of activities of a research and production enterprise was performed, and the most effective areas were identified. Techniques and methods of effective management decisions are provided, taking into account specifics of the scientific activity, as well as the method for simulating the process of creating innovations to quantify the state of ideas and forecast for the future. A mathematical model is proposed for predicting parameters characterizing the full life cycle of ideas implementation. Main characteristics of the model and their alteration at various stages of the idea life cycle are described. An approach to solving the problem of intellectualization in the scientific and production enterprise workflow is outlined, and within its framework a technique for automatic analysis of the text of documents and its meaningful indexing is proposed. System application in solving the problems of scientific research in the NPO "Lakokraspokrytie" from planning to implementation is demonstrated. Organization of operations using an intelligent scientific research management system and making the right strategic decisions makesit possible to increase the enterprise economic performance indicators

Please cite this article as:

Boldyrev V.S. Development of methodological principles improving quality of research organization in scientific and production enterprises. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2022, no. 1 (140), pp. 55--70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18698/0236-3941-2022-1-55-70


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