
Automatic Control Systems of Thermal Power Plants. State of the Art and Development Prospects

Authors: Markov V.An., Shatrov V.I. Published: 23.12.2019
Published in issue: #6(129)/2019  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2019-6-116-137

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines  
Keywords: thermal power plant, piston internal combustion engine, diesel engine, automatic control system

The article considers the relevance of research aimed at improving the automatic control systems for thermal power plants, mainly with piston internal combustion engines, based on the analysis of the reports of the all-Russian scientific and technical conference named after Professor V.I. Krutov. These plants are widely used in various sectors of the economy --- power engineering, transport, agriculture. The current level of development of such systems is assessed; the conclusions about the prospects for further development of automatic control systems for thermal power plants with piston engines are drawn. The main directions of their improvement are associated with the need for further improvement of fuel efficiency and reduction of toxicity of exhaust gases of thermal power plants, increasing the dynamic characteristics of internal combustion engines. The main directions of research in the field of fuel supply equipment of diesel engines, the working process of engines, and their adaptation for working on various alternative fuels are discussed

The article is based on the reports of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference n.a. Professor V.I. Krutov (30.01.2019)


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