
Heat and Power Plants and Their Automatic Control and Regulation Systems

Authors: Markov V.An. Published: 24.12.2020
Published in issue: #6(135)/2020  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2020-6-106-130

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines  
Keywords: heat and power plant, diesel engine, gasoline engine, automatic control system, automatic regulation system, reciprocating internal combustion engine

The paper emphasizes the relevance of research aimed at further improving the systems of automatic control and regulation of heat and power plants, mainly plants with reciprocating internal combustion engines. The study assessed the current level of the development of these systems, and analyzed the prospects of their use as mobile and stationary heat and power plants. These plants are widely used in various sectors of the economy --- energy, transport, agriculture, so it appears important to describe the main directions of further improvement of these plants and their automatic control and regulation systems. The purpose of the research was to further increase the power indicators of heat and power plants, improve their fuel efficiency and exhaust gas toxicity, and enhance the dynamic qualities of internal combustion engines. In our study, we also examined the main directions of improving the fuel supply and air supply systems of engines, their work process, adaptation of engines to work on various alternative types of fuel. Findings of research show that it is necessary to expand the functional capabilities of control and regulation systems, implement integrated adaptive control of a heat and power plant and its systems, use electronic microprocessor devices in the structure of regulators, enhance the multi-parameter efficiency of the operation of a heat and power plant and its elements, taking into account the whole set of parameters of this plant

The paper was based on the materials of the reports of the all-Russian scientific and technical conference n.a. Professor V.I. Krutov (29.01.2020)


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