
Influence of Inlet Charge Swirl on Fuel-Economic and Environmental Indicators of a Gas-Piston Engine

Authors: Patsey P.S., Galyshev Yu.V., Zaytsev A.B., Shabanov A.Yu. Published: 24.12.2020
Published in issue: #6(135)/2020  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2020-6-131-146

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines  
Keywords: spark ignition gas engine, charge swirling, numerical simulation of processes in internal combustion engines

The paper introduces the results of studying the influence of intake ports shape on turbulization and charge swirl in the combustion chamber, combustion rate, ecological and indicator values of the engine. The study was carried out using mathematical simulation of physicochemical processes occurring in the combustion chamber of a piston engine during gas fuel combustion. The turbulent flow of the mixture, spark ignition and combustion of gas fuel are simulated. To simulate the turbulent flow, the RNG (k--ε)-model was used, to simulate the combustion of natural gas in the combustion chamber a model based on the specific surface area of the flame, the so-called G-equation model, was used. When simulating spark ignition, the model of discrete particles of the ignition kernel DPIK (Discrete Particle Ignition Kernel) was applied. As a result of simulation, we found that replacing one inlet channel with a tangential channel allows creating a vortex motion and increasing the turbulence of the mixture in the combustion chamber. An increase in the kinetic energy of the mixture before the spark is applied leads to a decrease in the combustion time. The use of swirling the charge on inlet by replacing one filling channel with a tangential one can significantly improve the environmental performance of the engine while maintaining fuel and economic indicators. The ANSYS Forte program was used to simulate the physicochemical processes in the combustion chamber


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