
Automatic Control and Regulation Systems for Heat and Power Plants

Authors: Markov V.An. Published: 20.12.2021
Published in issue: #4(139)/2021  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2021-4-94-123

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines  
Keywords: heat and power plant, internal combustion engine, diesel engine, gasoline engine, automatic control system, automatic regulation system

The modern stringent requirements for fuel efficiency, exhaust gases toxicity and dynamic performance can only be met by equipping thermal power plants with modern control and regulation systems. Thermal power plants based on internal combustion engines have found the greatest application. They are used in different fields --- automobile and railway transport, agricultural, road-building and forestry machines, in ship-building, aviation, stationary power plants. The analysis of the main directions for further improvement of thermal power plants with internal combustion engines and their automated control and regulation systems has been carried out. Among these directions are an expansion of functional capabilities in such systems, improvement of control and regulation processes quality and their use at adaptation of thermal power plants to work on alternative fuels. The important aspects for improvement of thermal power plants with internal combustion engines are the necessity of studying the working processes of engines and their systems in order to decrease the exhaust gases toxicity. The relevance of these systems research is shown and the evaluation of the current level in their development is made. A characteristic feature of modern control and regulation systems of thermal power plants is their widespread construction on modern microprocessor element base

The paper was based on the materials of the reports of the all-Russian scientific and technical conference n.a. Professor V.I. Krutov (27.01.2021)


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