
Gas turbines for energetics

Authors: Olkhovsky G.G. Published: 09.10.2015
Published in issue: #1(18)/1995  


Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Combination Turbine Plants  

Gas turbines (GT) with high economical and operational characteristics widely used abroad can give some advantages for power industry in this country for conversion of existing and construction of new power plants utilizing mostly a natural gas. There is a lot of experience in manufacture and operation of stationary GTs in this country in different areas, rich experience in the development and application of aircraft and maritime GT, scientific and technical grounds and advanced technologies for manufacture of GT components. On this base the new types of intermediate capacity GT with modem parameters are being developed and will be manufactured in two years to come. Perfection of operation and large-scale production of high-efficient GTs and GT-based combined cycle (CCP) plants will allow for increased generating capacities at minimal capital investments, markedly reduce specific fuel consumption and quantity of operating personnel and increase reliability and flexibility of power stations. It will create the basis for further development and rise of GT and CCP efficiency, being impossible without large-scale industrial experience as well as for implementation of the work results now under way on application of solid fuels for GTs and CCPs.


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