
Mathematical Simulation of a Work Cycle in an Oil-Free Scroll Vacuum Pump

Authors: Burmistrov A.V., Salikeev S.I., Raykov A.A., Tyurin A.V. , Yakupov R.R. Published: 07.12.2018
Published in issue: #6(123)/2018  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2018-6-103-114

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum, Compressor Technology, and Pneumatic Systems  
Keywords: scroll vacuum pump, finite volume method, volume flow rate, conductance, reverse flow, pumping process

Oil-free scroll vacuum pumps are widely used in nanotechnologies, microelectronics, medicine, pharmaceutics and fusion power engineering. Developing new pump size classes and improving their existing specific performance are only possible on the basis of a reliable mathematical model of a work cycle that enables us to estimate the effect this or that factor has on the pumping process. We simulated a work cycle of an oil-free scroll vacuum pump with a volume flow rate of 12 m3/h. We present results of computing volume flow rates for various drive shaft rotation frequencies (agreement with the experiment is approximately 20 %). We recommend using our work cycle model for an oil-free scroll vacuum pump to compute pumping performance of oil-free scroll vacuum pumps


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