
Basic principles of selecting optimality criteria in designing high-vacuum mechanical pumps

Authors: Demikhov K.E. Published: 02.09.2015
Published in issue: #4(103)/2015  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2015-4-76-85

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum, Compressor Technology, and Pneumatic Systems  
Keywords: high-vacuum mechanical pumps, optimality criteria, controlled parameters, impellors, flow part

In designing modern turbo-molecular vacuum pumps an important requirement is the optimization of the main parameters and characteristics. One of the problems arising in this case is the selection of appropriate optimality criteria and controlled parameters. Appreciating the known general requirements to them, it is necessary to take into account the specific conditions and characteristics of the designed turbo-molecular vacuum pumps. There are alternative optimality criteria considered in the article. The calculated data on the effectiveness of their usage in different formulations of the problem for the development of the pumps are presented. The recommendations based on evaluation of their impact on the basic parameters and characteristics of the pump are given. One of the most promising areas for further development of modern turbo-molecular vacuum pumps is specified.


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