
Increasing the Efficiency of Compressor Stations at Main Gas Pipelines

Authors: Tumashev R.Z., Molyakov V.D., Lavrentev Yu.L. Published: 06.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(94)/2014  


Category: Power-generating and Transport Machine Building  
Keywords: heat recovery, combined gas-gaseous facility, gas-turbine plant with modified sequence of processes, efficiency, electric energy, heat, power

To recover the heat of products of combustion emerging from gas-turbine engines is an urgent task especially for compressor stations at main gas pipelines taking into account a tremendous power established for gas-turbine engines. The arrangement of traditional recovery plants leads to the enhancement in resistance at outlet of base gas-turbine engines, to the reduction in power, for recovery of which to the previous level the fuel consumption has to be increased. The application of the recovery plants with modified sequence of processes does not cause the additional resistance behind the base gas-turbine engines because it is compensated by the pressure increase in the compressor. Products of combustion from the base engines enter initially a turbine, next a gas-cooler, and then a compressor of the recovery gas-turbine plants operating under the working medium pressure below the atmospheric one. The recovery plants with modified sequence of processes generate from 15 to 25 % of mechanical power. A fuel utilization factor reaches 0.8-0.85 with consideration for the heat of water warmed up in the gas-cooler. A ratio of the unhealthy component content in products of combustion to the total mechanical power of the gas-turbine engine and the recovery plant reduces by 15-25 %. A degree of decrease in the plant pressure is small (less than optimal values) due to the mass-dimension and strength restrictions.


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