
Phenomenology of Oxygen Flow Parameters Inside Cooling Jacket of Liquid-Propellant Engine Chamber

Authors: Yagodnikov D.A., Antonov Yu.V., Novikov A.V., Strizhenko P.P., Bykov N.I. Published: 10.12.2014
Published in issue: #6(99)/2014  


Category: Power-generating and Transport Machine Building  
Keywords: liquid-propellant engine, regenerative cooling, liquid oxygen, fluid dynamics, heat exchange, computational simulation

A calculation method of process characteristics of liquid oxygen flow which is before, trance- and supercritical states inside cooling jacket of liquid-propellant engine chamber by motive power about 50 kN was developed. It takes into account the flow multidimensionality in a cooling circuit, heating of a cooler and hydraulic losses. At the set operating regimes for the liquid-propellant engine chamber the temperature values of a cooler, a speed field are obtained. Moreover, the calculation results of the stress and deformed state are given within boundary sections of a cooling circuit and in the bringing collectors of the liquid-propellant engine chamber. Optimizations recommendations of a hydraulic circuit are formulated for efficiency increase of cooling of the liquid-propellant engine chamber and decrease in hydraulic losses.


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