
Effect of High-Speed Cutting on Corrosion Resistance of Working Surfaces of Parts of Nonferrous Alloys

Authors: Sabel’nikov V.V., Sabel’nikova T.M., Tarasov V.A. Published: 15.09.2014
Published in issue: #4(97)/2014  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2014-4-

Category: Production Process Procedures and Machines  
Keywords: high-speed cutting, corrosion resistance, nonferrous alloys, surface undulation, coverage rate, cutter advance

Results of experimental investigations of the high-speed cutting influence on corrosion resistance of the processed surface of parts from the D16T aluminum alloy and the L62 brass are given. It is found that roughness of the processed surface at highspeed milling decreases by 3,5-5 times in comparison with traditional technologies of processing. With the used method of investigations, a corrosive attack approximately doubles a roughness of the processed surfaces regardless of a choice of technology for their processing. Visual supervision has shown that the applied technology of surface processing significantly influences the behavior of corrosion processes: at simple milling, the surface becomes covered by corrosion centers up to 150-200 μm in size, while at high-speed processing, the centers of corrosion have sizes to 3-5 μm and are evenly distributed over a surface. High-speed cutting conditions also influence the rate of corrosion of the processed surface: an increase in coverage rate leads to a growth in corrosion resistance of the processed surface, while the increase in cutter advance results in the corrosion resistance decrease.


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