
Computational-experimental investigation of the catalytic system of nitrogen oxide decomposition for small-size gas generators

Authors: Voronetskiy A.V., Aref'ev K.Yu. Published: 11.09.2013
Published in issue: #3(92)/2013  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: catalytic decomposition, nitrogen monoxide, mathematical simulation, experimental investigation

The results of computational-experimental investigation of the work of the catalytic system for nitrogen monoxide decomposition included in a small-size gas generator are given. The data are obtained concerning the intensity of nitrogen monoxide decomposition in the catalytic unit and in the combustion chamber under conditions corresponding to operating modes of small-size gas generators; and the ways for increasing the efficiency of application of the catalytic decomposition system are also analyzed. The investigation results may be used in developing advanced specimens of the power-generating and energetic facilities including microrocket engines, technological plants for spraying coatings, for abrasive cutting of materials, etc.


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