
Studying the influence of soil properties on seismic signal characteristics

Authors: Khokhlov V.K., Kandidatov I.A. Published: 11.06.2013
Published in issue: #1(90)/2013  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: seismic signal, climatic conditions, soil dampness, signal range

A solution to the differential equation of soil motion is analyzed using the model of seismic vibration propagation in the soil. It is shown that damping and eigenfrequency of the soil vibration depend on the medium’s elastic and viscous properties, the influence of which on seismic signal characteristics, in turn, is analyzed using models of the seismic receiver and the seismic vibration propagation in the soil. It is shown that when the dampness increases, the attached mass of the seismic-wave source grows, hence the eigenfrequency of vibrations of the soil–radiator system, which is introduced into the model, changes too. The soil dampness is shown to be the most informative parameter of climatic conditions. The necessity to introduce an adaptive channel into the seismic system recognition to provide the system functioning within a broad range of climatic parameters is shown.


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