
Asteroid Vulnerability of the Earth

Authors: Aleksandrov A.A., Kotlyarevskii V.A., Larionov V.I. , Sushchev S.P.  Published: 13.08.2013
Published in issue: #2(91)/2013  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: asteroid, impact energy, fireball, air shock wave, volume and depth of the impact crater, seismic waves, earthquake magnitude, vulnerability of the population

Dangers of asteroids and other space bodies falling to the surface of the Earth and possible consequences of their activity for buildings, constructions and life support systems in cities and towns due to intensive thermal effects, air shock and seismic waves that can also trigger earthquakes in seismically active regions are considered. The scenario of seismic hazard associated with the probability of asteroid falls to the Earth's surface is presented. The possible methods and software tools, which allow implementing systematic approach to prediction of the effects of space impacts, and the issues ofplanning measures of its reduction for the population are considered. The main "effects " of the Chelyabinsk bolide were analyzed. The need for development of methods for detection and monitoring of the objects approaching the Earth and for creation of means for the Earth protection from asteroid and comet danger is proved.


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