
Analysis of gas-dynamic processes and development of model of flows in hypersonic shock tube

Authors: Kuzenov V.V. , Kotov M.A. Published: 06.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(94)/2014  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: shock tube, gas dynamics equations, nonlinear quasimonotonous compact difference scheme, Runge-Kutta multistep method

The paper considers the simplified one-dimensional mathematical models of the processes, which describe both formation and propagation of shock waves, rarefaction waves, and contact discontinuities in shock tubes. These models are based on the quasi-one-dimensional equations of radiation gas dynamics. Experimental and theoretical studies of both the formation and propagation of shock waves, rarefaction waves and contact discontinuities using shock tubes have always been of significant interest and they are currently being developed. It results from the fact that the shock tubes are the most convenient tool of laboratory research in such contemporary fields of modern science and technology as aerophysics and chemical kinetics, gas dynamics and molecular physics. The flows of a multicomponent gas proves to be important for many modern technological and power facilities as well as in hypersonic aircraft. The multicomponent gas undergoes chemical conversions, oscillatory, and electron excitation. A relatively simple instrument for creating non-equilibrium processes in the gases is a shock wave propagating in a tube of a circular or rectangular crosssection. This cross-section geometry allows simplifying the gas-dynamic flow pattern in the working section.


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