
The Generalized Analytical Approach to Calculating a Stationary Temperature Field in Objects of Simple Geometrical Shapes

Authors: Eliseev V.N., Borovkova T.V. Published: 06.02.2014
Published in issue: #1(94)/2014  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: temperature conditions, testing, algorithm, decomposition, heat exchange, one-dimensional heat conduction problems, analytical solutions

Modeling temperature conditions is an essential and necessary step in spacecraft development. At the design stage, it is common to use the decomposition approach, which reduces the system to a combination of elements of simple geometric shapes. Analyzing the thermal states of construction elements of various geometrical shapes such as plates, cylinders, and spheres is also important in planning and evaluation of results of thermal testing and thermal testing for strength of constructions under steady-state heating conditions. A generalized analytical method and algorithm for calculating a temperature field in objects of simple geometric shapes are presented. The method is based on solving the heat conduction equation modified using the isothermal-surface concept. An example is given which illustrates the use of the proposed method for calculation of thermal states of heated objects.


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