
Experimental Study of Processes in Loop Heat Pipes

Authors: Afanas’ev V.N., Nedaivozov A.V., Yakomaskin A.A. Published: 07.04.2014
Published in issue: #2(95)/2014  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: loop heat pipe, wick, evaporator, condenser, compensating cavity

Results of experimental studies of the loop heat pipe models developed and created at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University are presented. The influence of different units and their parameters on properties of a loop heat pipe has been investigated. The equipment under study included the evaporator (plates with microchannel surfaces, obtained by deforming cutting, with different shapes and sizes) and capillary structures (wicks) made of both metallic and nonmetallic porous materials. It is shown that a filter paper can be also used as a wick of the loop heat pipe. Different configurations of loop heat pipes are given. A flat loop heat pipe is proposed that provides the uniform central steam removal from the entire evaporation surface.


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