
Using a Solid-State Laser to Imitate Plasma Formations under Laboratory Condition

Authors: Sinogeikin K.N., Volkov A.E., Suetina N.V. Published: 07.04.2014
Published in issue: #2(95)/2014  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: plasma formation, activated microwave discharge, technique of experimental laboratory studies of plasma formations, solid-state laser, synchronization, activating laser pulse

A technique is proposed for laboratory studies of properties of plasma formations activated using a solid-state laser. A scheme of the laboratory setup is given. Stages of evolution of the activated microwave discharge with different air pressures are considered. Results of investigations of impact of the laser and microwave pulses on the discharge properties with different pressures are described. Recommendations on performing experimental studies of artificial plasma formations induced by a laser pulse are given.


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