
Determination of the Radiation Pressure Force Acting on a Solar Sail Taking into Account Stress-Dependent Optical Parameters of Sail Material

Authors: Nerovnyi N.A., Zimin V.N.  Published: 29.05.2014
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: solar sail, radiation pressure, optical parameters, dependence on stress

A review of recent research in the field of solar sailing is given. The urgency of investigating a phenomenon of dependence of optical parameters of thin film materials on mechanical stresses is shown in the context of solar sails. Relationships are derived for a force due to radiation pressure acting on an infinitesimal element with allowance for dependence of optical characteristics on the wavelength, direction in space, material temperature and mechanical stresses in the material. The formulation of a combined problem is performed for finding a deformed shape of solar sail, its thermal state, and radiation pressure force distribution as well as a resultant vector and resultant couple of radiation pressure forces.


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