
Electrodynamic Protection Against Shaped-Charge Weapons. Prospects of Practical Implementation

Authors: Fedorov S.V. Published: 15.09.2014
Published in issue: #4(97)/2014  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2014-4-

Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: explosion, shaped charge, shaped-charge jet, penetrating action, electric current, electrodynamic protection

Possible parameters of electrodynamic protection for counteraction to shaped-charge weapons with different power of action are estimated on the basis of the developed computational procedure for determining shaped-charge penetrative action under conditions of passing a powerful electric-current pulse through a shaped-charge jet. As a source of electric energy the capacitor bank is considered. The dependence of a decrease in penetrative action of shaped charges of various types on the energy of the capacitor bank is found. It is shown that application of electrodynamic action on shaped-charge jets for protection of objects against shaped-charge close-combat weapons characterized by a penetration depth of 500...600 mm (for homogeneous armor) is most realistic at present. The capacitor-bank energy required for this case is estimated by a value at the level of 500 kJ. The status of developments in the field of creating electrodynamic protection of the objects in our country and abroad is briefly analyzed.


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