
Method for Determining Probability of Capturing the Asymmetric Parts with the Rotation Body Shape in the Disk Hopper Loading-Orientation Devices

Authors: Vasin S.A., Pantyukhina E.V. Published: 25.09.2023
Published in issue: #3(146)/2023  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2023-3-64-88

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machines, Units and Technological Processes  
Keywords: hopper loading-orientation device, part orientation, part capture probability, automatic loading, part loading performance, parts with implicit asymmetry, automatic assembly


Modern equipment in the product assembly should be the automatically loaded reliable systems, where the hopper loading-orientation device is the main component. Recently, there appeared a lot of asymmetric parts, including those with implicit asymmetry. In this connection, it becomes necessary to design such capture devices that are optimal in all the parameters. However, the probabilistic operation principle and the device ability to operate only in capturing a specific part with certain geometric parameters significantly complicate their design and require solution to the complex multi-level tasks. The most important task is to determine its performance, namely the probability of capturing the parts in the hopper loading-orientation device. The paper presents a detailed methodology making it possible to determine the probability of capturing the parts in the bunker loading-orientation devices of various types that implement different methods in capturing and orienting parts with the revolution body shape of a wide range, both with implicit and explicit asymmetry, for constructing the performance mathematical model. To build a mathematical model of the capture probability, probabilities of finding the part in the favorable position for capturing it with its differing orientations, limiting circumferential speed of the capturing bodies of the hopper loading-orientation device and absence of interference from the interlocking parts were determined. Dependencies are provided that are making it possible to graphically determine the indicated parameters of the mathematical model

Please cite this article in English as:

Vasin S.A., Pantyukhina E.V. Method for determining probability of capturing the asymmetric parts with the rotation body shape in the disk hopper loading-orientation devices. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2023, no. 3 (146), pp. 64--88 (in Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.18698/0236-3941-2023-3-64-88


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